Monday, July 11, 2011

Low-Carb Fry Bread (Quesadilla Bread)

The whole family loves these, even though I’m the only low carber, so I don’t tend to bother making the “real” ones anymore! My little girl especially, goes absolutely crazy when I make those! She loves, loves, loves them, both with taco meat, cheese etc. on it, or the cinnamon “sugar” mix!



2  1/4 cups of  Basic Low-Carb Bake Mix

2 .5 tbsp. golden flax meal (golden flax seeds ground)

1 tbsp. butter, softened

2 tsp. Baking Powder

1/4  tsp. Salt

1 cup +2-3 tbsp. of room temperature water


Oil for frying (I use organic palm shortening)


Add all dry ingredients to a mixer (or your bread machine on the dough cycle.) Add 1 cup + 1 tbsp of water  and the butter and let it come together. The dough should be quite wet initially but it will loose it’s initial stickiness shortly. If it seem too dry, add some more water, 1 tbsp. at the time and let the dough combine thoroughly between each addition.

Let it knead for about 10 minutes. The dough should feel much like regular dough, elastic and soft, but not sticky. When you take a little ball of it, you should be able to flatten it with your fingers on the work surface  and it should stick enough so you can flatten it , but not so much that you can’t easily peel it off again without any residue left behind.

Once you have that, divide the dough into about 16 little balls. I like my fry bread the size of a small corn tortilla, rather than the huge plate full, so I usually get around 16-18 out of this.

Roll out, or flatten evenly with your hands, about 4-5 of them. As thin as you can. Make a small hole in the middle of each. Just enough to break it. This will prevent the fry bread from puffing up too much and “messing” with the texture. See below Smile But if it does blow itself up, don’t worry, it will deflate again and the bread still tastes good. You just have to watch the thinner side more as it can turn from golden to burnt a lot faster!

Heat your oil. Take a tiny little test ball of dough and drop it in the hot oil, if it comes right back up and the oil is bubbling around it, you are ready to start frying your bread.

Carefully lower in one fry bread at the time. Fry on one side until a dark golden brown, then with metal tongs flip the bread and briefly fry on the other side.

Have several layers of kitchen towels ready. Remove the bread from the oil, let the excess drip off, then place on the kitchen towels, which will absorb the rest of the excess oil.


I find that the low-carb dough absorbs a tad more of the oil, so I tend to blot the oil off the finished bread too, applying a little bit of pressure.

Keep the finished fry breads warm in an oven until they are all done.


Serve with taco fixings or enjoy with a cinnamon “sugar” mix.


The favorite combo in our house is :


1 tbsp. ideal bulk sweetener

1 tbsp. powdered erythritol

1.5 tsp. Sugar Not

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon


I mix it in a bowl and the kids like to sprinkle it all over their warm fry bread.


  1. Oh my, these look so good! They remind me of the indian fried puffed bread (poori I think it's called) About how many net carbs per bread? Thank you! I must make these soon!

  2. I'm always hesitant to give carb counts on recipes like these, because they so much depend on the carb counts of all the ingredients YOU use. It also depends how large your make them of course. Mine are usually around 4 net carbs or so.

  3. Thanks Birgit! I really love your recipes :D


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Birgit Kerr