Sunday, April 1, 2012

Art Journaling Page: The Bigger Yes

I finally finished this page. I started it at the beginning of March, but somehow never found the right journaling words to go with it. Until last night!



  1. hello Brigit, i really love this page and its quote. i have a couple of questions if thats ok please.
    who is the quote by?. you mention you found it.
    and , that she a stamp or your own artwork, and is she and her friends(on your other pages) avaliable. i am a complete newbie to art journalling, so appologies if she is well known!.
    thank you

  2. Hi there,
    thank you for your questions!
    the quote is by Stephen Covey. I generally make a note somewhere in the art journaling page who the quote is by, but I don't like it to be prominent. So it's usually part of the writing or something :) The girls on my pages are drawn by me, so no, they aren't available anywhere. Have lots of fun with your art journaling!

  3. thank you for your response, and i love your girls and artwork.


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If you ask a question in the comment section, please remember to check back as I will answer it in the comments section! Or you can email me if you prefer!
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Birgit Kerr