Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hello Abundant City Yard


So, things are heating up around here, but we are not in the weeks of sweltering, “nothing will grow anymore” heat yet and our little backyard garden is really starting to come into it’s own.


First up, our tub of zucchinis that think they are a tree.



It’s hard to see in this photo, but the zucchini plants themselves are well over 4 feet tall now. The tub is one of those 70 + gallon tubs and the soil inside the tub only goes less than half way up.  BTW, that’s only 3 plants in there!

It seems to have something to do with the tubs though because I also planted 3 of the same batch in one of our raised beds and they are not even half as high! Or they just really like that walled in corner! Let’s see how they do when it gets really hot though, because then the wall may be a serious problem as it retains the heat and literally burns plants to a crisp!


Speaking of tubs, they seem to be doing really well this year!

Here we have from left to right: Pinto beans, chayote squash, yellow grape tomatoes, butter lettuce, mint, green peppers and marjoram.



Some Sage peeking through!



And some Thyme!



And some Italian Parsley! Further over I also have some Chives and more butter lettuce.



And one of our lot of green peppers (we have several all over the yard.)



The kid’s pinto beans.



Some Marjoram!



We have several tomato plants in our yard. All are different varieties. This little scraggly looking one, has so far been incredibly productive. It doesn’t look like much, but look at all the tomatoes it has on it. And we’ve had a few on a daily basis for a week or so already! The other varieties are much larger, but these little yellow things are lovely too!

Our mammoth large tomato plant from last year, that turned into a huge jungle, is doing very well again this year and has provided us with several large, very dark red, succulent heirloom tomatoes already!



Oh, and remember the Chayote squash I planted from the one I bought in the store? Yep, that’s what it looks like now!

And the butter lettuces I planted have been going strong for weeks now, providing us with daily fresh lettuce!



And some Rosemary and Dill.



Our Basil “bush”.



The Hibiscus are still going!



I’m trying to grow cucumbers this year too.



And we also have some strawberries this year!


And thanks to these guys, we have a very sweet smell in our yard and lots of humming birds in the yard too!




Such wonderful abundance in our little city yard. And I’m expanding what I grow every year too, so we are getting more and more homegrown fruit and veggies out of it!

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Birgit Kerr