Saturday, July 27, 2013

4 Things Happening Right Now

1. Fresh out of the oven right now! Sicilian No-Knead Sesame Bread, made with whole durum flour! So easy and definitely a family favorite!



2. Mason Jar lunches are being prepared for next week!



3. Things are growing in the garden, despite the adverse conditions inherent to the blisteringly hot Phoenix summers, followed by the somewhat more destructive Monsoon storms! The new transplants and seeds for the fall planting season are going in too, but that’s a whole post all by itself!



4. Figs Galore! Fresh fig abundance has come to our house, thanks to a friend with a very prolific fig tree! Now we are reveling in fresh figs, fig jam, bacon-caramelized onion-fig chutney and homemade fig and coconut ice cream!



  1. Your bread and mason jar lunches look so delicious!

  2. I'd like the recipe for that bread!

    1. It's a slightly tweaked version of this bread here:


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Birgit Kerr