I was looking for a way to make quick and easy flowers (without fondant) that would work as a decoration for the twin’s party on saturday. There are plenty of ways to make flowers with candy, but I wanted it to be all edible, soft yet holding it’s shape, so it can work for all the party guests, from 2 year olds to 70 year olds
I remembered that I used to make roses with Mambos when I was a child, which is essentially the German version of a starburst. Relatively fresh starbursts can be kneaded and molded just by hand without any warming. In the case of the huge bag I got they were roll-able with an empty glass jar straight out of the packet.
So, instead of roses, I am making colorful flowers this time round!
You will need:
- Starburst ® candy in different colors.
- small flower shaped cookie cutters (different sizes and shapes)
- a small bottle, or glass jar, or kids rolling pin or other suitable object for rolling out
- a little water
- a lollipop stick
Unwrap the candies.
Press two or three of the same color together and roll out until you have the desired thickness. If you are going with one candy at the time, you can just press it flat with your fingers, even though the rolling with a jar/bottle/rolling pin will yield a smother, more even result.
Choose the largest cookie cutter and cut your first round.
Press, roll out and then cut out the second round of flowers with a different color candy and cutter.
Last, roll little balls of various color from the cut out scraps, for the center of the flower.
To assemble, place down the largest flower, dip the lollipop stick in a little water and make a small indentation with the wet lollipop stick. Place the smaller cut out in the center, pressing down with the wet lollipop stick to secure the second layer and at the same time wet the second indentation.
Then add the ball in we center indentation.
Set aside to dry.
The flowers stay pretty chewy, but they do hold their basic shape well.
However, I would not recommend decorating with them too early, as the candy does tend to get very soft when it sits in icing or pudding etc for too long!
If they get a little stuck to the plate, don’t pull them as they will tear or get misshapen. Just get a toothpick and go under the flower in one place, wiggle it a little and the rest of the flower will pop right up!
Have a great day!
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Birgit Kerr