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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

10 Goals for 2011

Yep, goals. I don’t do resolutions!
Somehow the expression “New Year’s Resolution” already has failure written all over it. Almost like it’s definition itself suggests that it won’t last beyond January.
Goals however are steadfast and long reaching. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it anyway!
1.) As always, health, fitness, weight loss and all that is a #1 goal. But for the most part I have the healthy eating under control already, even though I don’t have the weight loss to show for it (long story there!) So my goal is to not obsess but to enjoy. Maybe that’s an odd goal, since most of us strive to be more “obsessive” about our “resolutions” when we make them, but I find that the obsessive aspect sucks the joy right out of it all and makes it a hard thing to achieve … a chore. I want to make a concerted effort to ENJOY whatever it is I am doing to reach my goal! So maybe my #1 goal is to find JOY in what I’m doing … be it working out, eating well or a blood test!
Not sure there’s much joy in that last one, certainly not when I’ll look at my “somebody-must-have-confused-me-with-a-pin-cushion” looking arms (the plight of rolling veins and inexperienced lab assistants *sigh*)
But I digress. I want to do it consciously, fully aware, fully and joyfully taking it all in!It ties in with goal #10, but adds the joy aspect!

2.)  I want to make time for me. I don’t mean the kind of time that is a result of “Honey, could you take the kids to the park, so I can clean the house” kind of time. However little it may be, I really want to find some time for just me. Where I can do nothing or something … where I can maybe go to a group of some sort … or not. And I want to make this “me-time” as much of a priority as I would any other commitment or deadline.
That’s going to be the hard part – the commitment!

3.) I want to simplify. It’s so easy to say that, yet so hard to do. I find that my life is surrounded by a lot of “stuff” and the chaos that comes with it. Both my husband and my children are very much challenged when it comes to looking after stuff. To put it mildly. Between the three of them, chaos is easily spread around every single space in the house. And it’s not a matter of just “training” them … well, not entirely. It is in large part a genetic thing I think ;) Joking aside, I think it really is. However, one of the ways to get on top of that is to simplify. Simplify the stuff  - I have all the organization in place but where they is just too much then even the best organization can fail.
I also want to simplify my time table. I have too much going on. It’s a fact and I won’t deny it. So simplifying will at times mean to say the dreaded word “no” and live with the consequences. It will also mean prioritizing. Which things/people/jobs/projects are worth spending a large chunk of my time and energy on and which aren’t.
NOT an easy thing to do and not a goal that will ever be fully reached I’m sure, but I want to continue on that path in 2011.

4.) I want to laugh more. Yep! It’s a worthwhile goal. I want to have more laughing tears and deep belly laughs, mostly with my family!

5.) I want to be more frugal. I have always been one for a good deal or a bargain and I tend to have a lot of those aspects down pat. Especially the internet shopping thing. I have however let other things slip. Like even looking at newspaper coupons or reloading my store cards on the things we really use. I doubt I will ever become a hard-core couponer (is that a word?) as it would seriously conflict with my goal # 3, but I do want to be more conscious about these things when I make our shopping list. It will take a little more time, but from what I’ve seen this last 2 weeks of doing just the basics, it literally puts about 10-20 extra dollars per shopping trip back in our pockets and that has to be a good thing!

6.) Step away more from the electronics. My husband and I are real techno geeks … so is my son. My job is solely based on the computer and most of my means of contact to extended family and friends is also based on the computer. A lot of my hobbies are too! I think it’s too easy to be sucked into the “electronic overload!”
I need to make a real effort to step away from it all more, especially as we live in the city and I can’t just open the door, go for a walk in the meadows and sit under a tree when I need a break.  Some of it does tie in with goal #2. My goal is to curb the being “sucked in” factor a bit more!

7.) Don’t sweat the small stuff! I know, everyone always says that and many people are experts in this. I am not one of them! I am somewhat detail oriented and a recovering perfectionist. This is a good thing for a crafter and a digital scrapbook designer!
It is not such a good thing in all situations all the time. So, my goal is to continue on the path of being a bit more laid back about the small stuff. It ties in with goals 1, 2 and 3 too!
Let’s embrace imperfection! Yay! 

8.) I want to do a lot of things with this little beauty I got for Christmas from my dad. Well, he doesn’t know it yet, but that is what I got from him lol Since dad lives in Germany, gift giving from him usually happens in the form of a wire transfer and the notion to get something for each of us that we REALLY want, even though not necessarily need!
I’ve been wanting one of those since the DIY days in my Edinburgh flat – 15 years ago! And I have a fair list already of all the things I want to build! From simple storage shelving to the built-in for the living room down the road (when I’m more experienced.)

I’m also looking for some recommendations for a nail gun. If anyone can offer any experiences/recommendations I would be much obliged!

9.) Make more time for my marriage/relationship with my hubby.

10.)Be fully present. I want to continue in my goal to be in the moment. Not in the past, not in the future, just right here, right now! Present in my life, present for my children, present for my relationship with my man!

All these may seem like very grand and lofty goals and they are! But really this is a list of ongoing goals for me. It just helps to reaffirm them and to have renewed focus on them!

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Birgit Kerr