Today’s loaf is gluten-free. I wanted to experiment with a gluten free loaf that is rich in fiber but not gummy, or sawdust, for that matter! And I wanted a crispy crust!
It turned out pretty well, even though I do want to tweak the recipe further just a little bit!
I baked it in the Romertopf as a free-form loaf. The flavor was very good, and I even got a nice little oven spring out of it! Especially for a gluten free loaf, which is a bit of a beast when it comes to bread baking! Nice crust too, and the bread isn’t too dense either. Much like a 100% whole wheat loaf, really!
But I would like to work on the texture a little more. I think the dough could have stood being even wetter than it was to maybe get even more of a rise out of it, which would make it just a tad lighter!
Experiments will continue!
For now I’m enjoying a toasted slice with some homemade ghee slathered on it!
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Birgit Kerr