Next week our twins turn 8 years old, so the preparations for the birthday itself and the double party are in full swing.
The making of lots of soap favors is afoot. Button soaps and orange and raspberry “cake” soaps for the girls (Lalaloopsy is the theme for my girl) and Millennium falcons and Darth Vader soaps for the boys. No guessing what my son’s theme is!
Yesterday we discovered that a lot of the pods on the sesame plant had opened up and we harvested our first handful of homegrown sesame seeds! How cool is that?
In the picture above you can see the contents of just one little pod!
The corn and cucamelons (also called Mouse Melons, which are very small cucumbers that look like miniature water melons) and the corn have a mutually beneficial co-existence going on!
The other cinnamon basil in bloom! The cinnamon basil is so easy to propagate and the bees love it so, so now I have several all over my garden to attract the busy little pollinators!
Our Honeysuckle has decided to go for round two this year!
The Hummingbirds LOVE those trumpet plants!
Our first taxi tomato is almost ready!
Many zucchinis are a-coming!
The lavender is starting to bloom!
A new for me herb, grown from seed and just starting to bloom!
It is finally cool enough for the Nasturtiums to start peeking through!
And the cake making is afoot too. Anna wants a Lalaloopsy cake, of course and Max wants an Angry Birds Star Wars cake! Thankfully the fondant decorations need to dry, so that gives me the opportunity to make a lot of them ahead of time, reducing the time crunch factor for making two specialized cakes in one day on their party day!
Thinking of making this for dinner tonight! With homemade Apple sauce! Yum!
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Birgit Kerr